27 June 2013

Life Hacks.

Hi friends.  I'm sorry if this isn't the most positive post I've ever had- I'm not feeling too positive at the moment.

I titled this post "Life Hacks" because over the course of my 22 years as a person, living in France on two separate occasions, in two different parts of France, going away to college, etc. I feel I've learned a thing or two about general tips for living a chill life.

I've got two rules:

1. I'm not tooting my horn, don't think I am.  I am experienced as a traveler- that's just how it is.  Just let me give you some advice without thinking I'm being pretentious.  I don't care if you travel or not- these life hacks apply to everyone, everywhere.

2. No devil's advocate. (Advocat in French means "lawyer", btw)  My advice is not going to apply to all situations.  Obviously if you're in a life threatening situation, always being polite probably will not do you any good.

Alright. Let's begin.

1. Always be polite.

Okay, I don't think I can stress this one enough.  You have no reason, ever, to be rude.  I don't care if someone is being rude to you, always be polite.  Being rude and inconsiderate of others will get you no where in life, and will only make the situation more hostile and less likely to get ANYTHING done.  If you're busy and cannot take the time to help someone, then clearly state that to them.  Don't ignore them or help them halfway.  Being rude will get you absolutely no where.  And when you're nice to people, they often are more responsive and more willing to help.  On that note, we move to number two.

2. Assholes exist everywhere.

Assholes are in every corner of the world.  Stop laughing, I'm talking about the figurative asshole, not the literal one (although those do as well.)  Here in gay 'ol Paris I find myself buying into the stereotype that the french are rude.  And I see it.  When I try ordering at a restaurant and the waiter gives me sass, I want to believe it's because he's French.  But that is so far from the truth.  He's simply just an asshole.  The beauty of assholes is that they don't discriminate.  They exist everywhere.  People can be real d*cks in the States. Have you ever been to WalMart? There ya go.  I don't know if this is an opptimistic or pessimistic view on life.

3. You can only control yourself and your emotions.

I got this one from my therapist.  I think this little phrase may have saved my life.  I was (and to a certain extent, still am) an anxious crazy person.  But the truth is, you can't control everything in your life.  You can, however, control how you react to certain situations.  You can control how something someone said makes you feel.  You can choose to think positively or negatively about it.  What someone else does in their own life most times has no impact on your life- that is- unless you let it.

4. Live and let live.

Live your life for you.  Don't ever care what anyone else thinks- ever.  I know this is such common advice, but you got to do what is right for you.  On the same token, let others live how they choose to.  Let them be happy, just as you want yourself to be happy.

5. The South will not rise again.

Just throwing that one out there.

6. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

I see no point in traveling to a foreign land if you have the intention to only do what you know how to do.  If you go to India and don't attempt to dress like them, or seem like them, why even go?  You know, people of different cultures aren't an exhibit from the zoo, they're living, breathing, experiences for you to interact with and understand.

I think I'm solid on life hacks for right now.  I know most of this was written out of anger, but sometimes things need to be said.  Plus, I'm lacking the urge to finish talking this.

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